Medical Treatment For Opiate Use Disorder
2975 Donnylane Blvd Columbus, OH 43235
Addiction Treatment In Central Ohio
The team at Midwest Suboxone Doctor has been treating people with Opiate Use Disorder for over 15 years as part of Pro-Health Services. Led by Angelice Alexander, MD, a Board-Certified Addictionologist, we use our expertise and experience to help you achieve long term success and manage your opioid use disorder in an environment focusing on you. We offer personalized treatments including the use of buprenorphine and naloxone film, tablets, buprenorphine injections, and naltrexone tablets and injections. Additionally, counseling is available, and in our safe, judgment-free office, we help provide guidance as you are on your journey to enhance your health and wellness to improve your quality of life.
Recovery Is Possible
By offering a relaxing and supportive office and access to a team committed to helping you achieve and maintain sobriety, you will find healing and recovery here. Our family environment strives to make sure you are cared for. When you begin your journey, our Board-Certified Addictionologist will partner with you to create a treatment plan based on your unique history. We will then continue to offer support, structure, and accountability to help you succeed in reaching your goals.

Established And Experienced
Our Midwest Suboxone Doctor, a Board-Certified Addiction Specialist, will work closely with you to understand your needs. We review your lifestyle and goals to discover how your treatment can best be part of your daily routine. With over 11 years of experience treating patients with opiate use disorder, providing dedicated care, regardless of your needs, is our goal.
Proven Treatment For Opiate Use Disorder
Our motto is Enhancing Your Health And Wellness To Improve Your Quality of Life and that truly is our goal. We offer flexible treatment options, and we maintain accountability with drug tests at every visit. Regardless of whether you are struggling or soaring, you are cared for.

What Is Suboxone?
SUBOXONE® is one of several brand names for a prescription medicine containing buprenorphine and naloxone and is used to treat adults who are addicted to (dependent on) opioid drugs (either prescription or illegal) as part of a complete treatment program that also includes counseling and behavioral therapy. It is a partial opiate agonist which means it helps prevent other opiates from binding to the opiate receptor in the body. In addition, it helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms to allow individuals achieve sobriety and work on other components of their addiction.
Judgment-Free Care
“Opiate use disorder is more common than appreciated, and having it does not mean you are a bad person or a moral failure. Anyone can become addicted to opiates, and at our addiction treatment Columbus, Ohio facility, we treat all our patients without judgment. We have cared for doctors, nurses, attorneys, college professors, students, homeless individuals, and others. If we can help them, we can help you with addiction treatment Columbus, Ohio.

Ready For Action
If you are ready to take the first step on your path to sobriety, call us at 614-441-0919 or click the button below.
SUBOXONE® is a registered trademarks of Indivior UK Limited.
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